This check engine light video is a little long, but worth the time in my opinion. It provides a good overview of why the check engine light comes on. However, the focus is on a set code for a loose gas cap. Also included is how to use a scanning tool to find out what’s in the PCM memory.
The Haynes guide to on board diagnostic systems (available below) is a book that I own and recommend to people that want to learn more about automotive emissions systems, the modern on board automotive computer and how it operates.
You can learn strategies for diagnosis and repair of these check engine light systems and fix them yourself in some cases. Why would you want to fix the problem? You can’t pass State inspection when the light is on. Also when it comes time to trade in or sell the automobile privately the value will take a hit.
Note that I own many scan tools including the one shown in the above clip. I talk about the features and benefits of them on my dedicated page that provides automotive scanner reviews. Do you like videos on Diy car repairs? Let me know with a bookmark or share with friends. More information about check engine lights below.
About the Check Engine Light
Often your car can actually diagnose itself and this can help point you in the right direction. Reading the codes is easy for most people. This manual takes the mystery out of the Second-Generation on board diagnostic system.
This will allow you to not only understand your vehicles OBD-II system but dig in and repair it many cases. Everyone should at least know what to do when the check engine light comes on and that is what you get with this well written how to guide. You will learn auto repair information like reading the codes and diagnosing complex car problems.
This how to book also includes a comprehensive list of computer codes for all car and light truck models manufactured since 1996. By the time your done reading this guide you will better understand your vehicle’s On Board Diagnostic system. And how to deal with that service engine soon light.
Learn how to use inexpensive auto scan tools like the actron 9550 on the left. This is an updated version of the car scanner used in the check engine light video above. It has some unique and useful features that can provide possible solutions for set trouble codes.
Using a scan tool in conjunction with the Haynes OBD II guide book (above) can teach you a lot about fuel management fundamentals, monitored inputs and output controls, generic trouble codes that cover all models and Manufacturer specific ones for GM, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota/Lexus and Honda/Acura vehicles.
Find out how your car computer can help you find the problem. OBD stands for on board diagnostics which means the tool to fix the car is already installed. Just learn how to interface with it and use it for diagnosis. Included in the Haynes book are repair diagrams, component replacement procedures, and a automobile glossary that teaches you the language mechanics use.
The book is picture heavy with over 250 photographs and drawings that let you see what they are talking about. Have questions about the products? Visit my car repair help section to speak with a technician. Looking for vehicle specific information? Are you really interested in fixing check engine light problems yourself? Watch another video about how fast you can get a car repair manual.
The video auto repair section home page provides a wide variety of subjects covered in your favorite format. No reading what so ever if you don’t want to. Browse the auto repair videos.
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